More Wordless Wednesday here.
Edited to add: Hint, alpacas will spit on you if you get between them and another alpaca when they are eating food.
Contest Rules: The funniest one wins a custom blog banner designed by yours truly! I will pick out my favorite so it is completely subjective! Leave a comment in this post with a link to your own blog! If you don't link to your own blog I can't find you! Keep the caption idea short, there isn't much room in the caption bubble. By entering, you agree to release the creative caption idea over to Cre8tive KJ's Corner The caption will be used on t-shirts, bags, mugs, and more! Caption contest ends Wednesday, June 4, 2008.
Stop calling me Tina. Gosh!
Kiss me Baby!
Got wool?
Ok...so I am not laughing hard...but maybe a little 'tee-hee'
Have a great day!
You want me to carry WHAT?!
Don;t let that woman near me! The other guy's a sweater now!
Hello Darling!
**BURRRRPPP** I knew I should have ordered the veggie pizza.
Umm, could you please give me some advice on new hair product?
Very fun!
You want WHAT!?!!
"Pucker up, baby!"
Have a great day!
~ Heather
"I'm cooler than the Fonz!"
(It's the "hair"...)
'Well Officer, when I came to all I had left was the fur on my head!'
I guess I could have been funnier...but that is all I can come up with for now. :D
How about "Wool you be mine?"
or "Not a Wooly-Bully"?
"Fiber for hire"?
"Alpaca your bags fulla warm fuzzies :)"?
"Wark! I'z high fiber!"?
That's all I can think of :) Have a great day!
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