I am now taking orders for custom blog banners. I love design too much, it's in my blood! I just have to design! I have 15 years (well, 15 years plus since I have been designing since I was a little girl, and, well, you know I am older than 15...LOL). I will more than likely create a blog just to showcase my designs since I have a lot of neat logos I've done to give you an idea of what I am capable of.
Ok, in between all of my banner work I've been loom knitting, writing patterns, loom knitting some more, frogging, etc., etc. Here is my felted bag I mentioned a few post ago:

I've since added a zipper and I managed to figure out how to add my pretty, pretty necklace pendant. I just added it to the zipper. I thought I took a picture of it with the pendant but it wasn't on my camera. It is a pattern designed by Isela Phelps. I couldn't find it on her patterns website anymore so if you would like to make it, you might want to give her a holler.
Here is the latest dishcloth pattern I've designed and written. I sure have a funny story about this one! The sweet and wonderful Dianne Carroll offered to test knit this cloth for me. Dianne just missed part of the directions when she was test knitting (an honest mistake, more than likely due to the fact she was watching the little one again) and couldn't figure out what she was suppose to do with some stitches on both sides of the stitch markers, so she took creative license and bound off the stitches on both sides of the cloth. She was thinking "well, it seems strange, but this is Karen, she is creative, she must have some funky new design idea" and went about binding off the stitches and then finished knitting up the cloth. When she was about 3/4th done, she was thinking to herself that it was a vase with a flower. Then she asked me what she was suppose to do with the stitches on either end of the stitch markers and I told her that at the very beginning of the pattern it says what you need to do. She of course saw it then. Well, we still had time, she quick knit up another one. Only this time, I realized a serious error on my part! I had completely left off 1/4th of the pattern! There was something like 23 rows of knitting I didn't even write into the pattern! She had already finished the second cloth and I was in a panic! I had to finish writing the pattern first and then I had to quick do a test knit. Whew! Am I ever glad that is over with! We both boo boo'd and that is ok, we are only human. Dianne and I had a good laugh over it. I told her that the vase thing wasn't a bad idea and I'll have to remember that!
The cloth is reverable. Both sides look great! Normally, a dishcloth with a design has a definate right side. Here is the cloth from both sides:

I love you new banner! You do such awesome work!
Nice dishcloth Karen. Had similar problem with pattern I was just doing but it all worked out.
People don't realise sometimes lot goes into even a simple pattern but it's fun. Love the new look.
Loom on, WandaJean
Can I haz ur kitchen?
pretty bag! Pretty cloth!
you go girl!
OK, first thought when gettin on here...."OH! Look! Karen has a new banner! How cool...wish I had one that was cool like that." Then I saw that you are taking custom orders...and I wanna be the first. I want an awesomely cool 'Custom CreativeKJ Banner'!!! Oh, yeah!
Your baguette is pretty. :D I am sending mine to my Mama for Mom's Day and then I am gonna make myself 2...yes I said 2, of them with the wool that Jeannette sent me for my b-day. I am gonna make a pattern for the Kiss loom. One will be almost exactly like my original one with the crocheted sides and the other will have loomed panel sides. There need to be more patterns for the Kiss Looms....so far, Grac is the only one that really designs patterns specifically for the Kiss. :D I wanna help!
And the dishcloth fiasco....it actually gave me a panic attack b/c it brought back memories of the the Afghan Block #1 fiaso. LOL! I hope that you don't have to go through that again. :D
TTYL, gal!
I LOVE your new banner! I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog at some point this summer. If I do I'm comming to you for my banner, super cute!
Ravelry: Fairieknits
Uber-Super Cute Banner!!!!! :D Love it!
I really enjoy your little flower cloth, too...very Springy...and nice job on the baguette.
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