This year was more of a homemade Christmas. With the worry for toys not being safe with all of the lead scares in the news, it seemed like the best thing to do. Both my sister and I gave gifts we made. She is more of a needle knitter than I (I prefer my looms). Even her husband knit up some darling headbands for the kids.

We had our family portrait taken this year by a friend of ours. He is a professional wedding photographer (www.bellaphotographyusa.com), but agreed he'd do our family portrait (no easy task, believe me, we had 15 people to get in the photo). We are all waiting on pins and needles to see the proofs. I took this photo while my sister and her husband were getting some individual shots taken:

Thanks for stopping by!
You are blessed beyond measure with a wonderful family!
Handcrafted gifts are definitely way better than store bought, any day!
Your family is just perfect! I wish that mine could get together like that for the holidays, but oh well. :D I love your daughter's b-day cake. Gives me ideas for my daughter's second birthday this coming October. Last year we did 'Princesses' and this year would be perfect for babies since I am running a baby doll day care! LOL! I just always love your blogs. :D Maybe you can get your BIL to talk my hubby into at least LOOMING with me. LOL!
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