Ouch! My knee hurts. I guess I'm already to the limping part! Hee, hee. I hope it gets better! Four miles down though!
I am about as stressed as stressed can be lately. I had three tricky customer service issues to try and resolve and it wasn't even my fault! The person who took my orders at my supplier was let go just after I placed those three orders, and me and my customers were victims of her mess ups! Ouch! That hurts too! Not a good start! I hope it gets better.
I have a dishcloth loom coming and I am so excited!! I don't know why I have become so interested in dishcloths, it is just nuts. I love needle knitting them and now I can try looming them. I just need to find the time! I bought a couple dishcloth leaflets with some darling patterns I am just dying to make.
I will finally get to spin tomorrow! Here I thought all plans were off when last night my husbands brother called up and said his mother had been rushed to the emergancy room. He right away said he wanted to go see her on Saturday. My heart sank. Then he remembered I had my spinning that I was so looking forward to so he said we can go on Sunday instead...except, now I will probably miss the Looming Angels Grand opening. Changes, changes. Things are always changing around here!
See you next week!
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