I got this bright idea to take pictures of my 16 month old with a play telephone and add her to my baby website. My goal is to give my website a warm and fuzzy feel. A newly pregnant woman or newly expectant father will usually go all googly over babies. I know, I've been pregnant three times and my husband has had a total of six children. Stay tuned for the big publish with all of my changes.

Drum roll please.....and the winner of the blog/webring button for the LoomingAngels group is....Sorry, you'll have to wait until next weekend during the Grand Opening of the group to hear the winning button!
My dragonfly dishcloth is almost done. Boy, it sure takes me a long time to get through projects these days. Just too much going on, I don't have time for leisure activities anymore :-(
Have a blessed Easter! See you next week!
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