I can't tell you how wonderful and profound I found the words in the above post. I met Bev in my Loom Knitting Newbies group over on Yahoo.com. I participated in the Chemo Slumber Cap Relay loom knitting slumber night caps for chemo patients. I headed on over to her blog to see a picture of all of the caps and read a little further in her blog and found what one lady in her Bible verse study group had learned about the verse Malachi 3:3 "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." It made me think about all I had endured in my life thus far, how much I have seen others suffer in their lives as well, and I started to cry. It really makes a person's heart swell when we realize that no matter how bumpy and lumpy and difficult our journey is, our Saviour is there along with us and He never takes His eyes off of us! We need to endure suffering in order to become like Him! We can be rest assured in the fact that He is right there with us and He will not allow us to parish. Make sure you check out that post!
I forgot to post the winner for the Looming Angels Blog button yesterday. Drum roll please.....and the winner is....

To take this button, right click and "save picture as" to save to your hardrive. Then you can upload to your server and link to the Looming Angels group using HTML. Here is the address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LoomingAngels/
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