Isn't he adorable??? He doesn't have a name though. Tough decision time. He needs a great name. I am a firm believer that an animal takes on characteristics of its name (people do too). Since we want this little fella to turn into a great Sire for our herd (we have female alpacas unrelated to him we could breed with him) we want him to have a worthy name. If you can come up with a worthy name for this little guy, you will snag yourself a skein of gorgeous alpaca yarn! This yarn was spun from alpacas at one of the ranches we are purchasing our alpacas from. It is white (you could dye it if you want). This yarn goes for $6 an ounce! The skein is 3.6 oz and is 300 yards. It is sock weight and there is plenty of yarn here for a couple pairs of soft and cozy socks. Retail value of $21.60! Post your name ideas in the comments section to this post. This contest will run for a week (unless I only have a handful of entries, then it will run longer) and once we choose a name, I'll post the winner's name. We need to check with the Alpaca Registry database to make sure the name is unique before we use it, since alpacas are registered animals. This process will take a little time so I'll post the winner as soon as possible (shouldn't take but a week or so). The winner is responsible for contacting me so I can get the mailing address to send this yarn to. I'll post my email addy along with the winner's name. Good luck!

I have been face painting again. I used to face paint a lot and could dig up some great pictures I took of my previous work. I haven't painted a face in a long time. I painted a cat face on my stepdaughter for her play the other night because she begged a pleaded with me so I caved. My youngest daughter watched me paint with total admiration and has wanted me to paint her face two days in a row now! I didn't get a picture of my stepdaughter's face, nor did I get a picture of my daughter's butterfly face yesterday (both were awesome), but I did get a picture of her rabbit face today.

I started my Threads of Compassion scarf the other day. I've ripped it out a couples times because I couldn't get the size right so I am not very far. I just started my loom knit version about an hour ago.

I like the name Cameo (like the jewelry old women have worn).
Yes he is loovely
To me he is a George or Simon
(my son is named Simon he is 14 and one of his biggest interests are girls, and they seem to like him phu) My doughter´s love to facepain, I will show them yours and they will love it. So I think I wait until next weekend when I have more time for facepainting.
Good luck with the lovely guy
Med Vänliga Hälsningar Carin
I think he is such a beautiful shade of coco. For his name:CocoMin of ***whatever your ranch is called.,Min being a God of Fertility, Power and the Eastern Desert
He is sooooo cute. He reminds me of Bambi. I think his name should be Hummdinger. Because he sure is.
Debbie P
The first word that came to me was: Toffee
but if that name is taken...maybe try one of these?
Caramel, Biscotti or Coffee.
Now I'm hungry! Good luck finding the perfect name for this little guy.
Michele Q
How about the name Samson? Samson's power came from his hair, so you can joke about how powerless he is when you shave him (or whatever you do to get the hair to spin into yarn).
i think Sir Autumn fits this adorable little alpaca. he is a color of autumn. he will make a fine sire for your lady alpacas.
christine agler
Here are a few...Charbonneau, Romeo, Zeus, Montague, Sebastian or Apollo
Here are a few I came up with...Charbonneau, Romeo, Zeus, Montague, Sebastian, or Apollo
How about Chocolate Drop or Hersheys Kiss. Just a thought,Susan
How 'bout Charge? He will grow up and charge his way through all the other males to get to his ladies :)
I found several I thought would fit at I just couldn't pick the "best" one:
Rhydderch (Welsh form of Roderick): reddish brown
Donovan (Irish): dark brown
Ikaika (Hawaiian): strong
Baako (African): "first born child" in Akan
I'm leaning towards a combination of Roderick or Donovan as the "first" name and Baako as the second. Can't have anything yarn related without a BAAAAAAAAko, right??
I know, I'm silly!
Have fun!
I found several I thought would fit at I just couldn't pick the "best" one:
Rhydderch (Welsh form of Roderick): reddish brown
Donovan (Irish): dark brown
Ikaika (Hawaiian): strong
Baako (African): "first born child" in Akan
I'm leaning towards a combination of Roderick or Donovan as the "first" name and Baako as the second. Can't have anything yarn related without a BAAAAAAAAko, right??
I know, I'm silly!
Have fun!
How about kokopelli for his name. kokopelli is the native american fertility god. He dates bak to 800AD. It is said that he carries babies on his back to deliver to women. He is also known to bring fertility to the land to grow crops as well.
It is pronounced like koko ( which is what the babies color reminds me of) and pelli ( which references his beautiful pelt that would be spun into wool)
Beautiful guy. I would love to have one if I was able to where I live.
I would name him Crème Brûlée (pronounced Cream Broolay) Crème Brûlée is a French term for what the English refer to as Burnt Cream.
Love your daughter, she's very sweet.
hugs, Amber
The names so far are wonderful!
He is quite a handsome man, and surely will be quite a "ladies man" once he my thoughts run toward the name Cassanova! Ha-Ha!
He is beautiful!!! How about this: SORREL HALE ADONIS
Hale-powerful,robust,vigorous, Adonis-greek a handsome young man loved by aphrodite (& others!)
Have fun!
What a cutie!!! Well if he's going to take care of your ladies he has to have strength. I would call him Alexander as in Alexander The Great.
Janice B.
How about Squire? Or Marquis.
What a handsome guy! He looks like a Henry to me -or- Henry J FluffyBottom.
Oh he's adorable!
How about "Atalo" meaning youthful
or "Garan" meaning stork
or "Tan" meaning new
Good Luck!
For some reason the name "Red Velvet" came to mind when I saw him. His coat looked like velvet and his color is reddish. He is a beautiful baby.
Donna in TX
Ah the first name that popped into my head was Dexter!
You could always name him Gabriel. Then he can be a 'looming angel'
Well Karen you know me to be a bit different. Since this is a baby alpaca and he is part of your family, he should have two names just a a child would.
Caesar Declan. Caesar is Latin prounounced See-zar, meaning Hairy Child. Declan is Gaelic meaning Full of goodness. So Hairy Child Full of goodness would be what his entire name would mean.
I actually thought of this a quite the challenge so I looked up names all day LOL.
Caesar Declan looks actually like it fits him... He is a hairy child and probably good as the day is long.
Love always,
Your looming co-mod
"Aragon of Avon" nice strong name..LOL...he is gorgeous, is that
the color he is going to be or does
it change as he gets older...
BEAUTIFUL color..reminds me of Java...Java... Java Java Java Jive!
That's it..his name should be Java Jive! -- KimH
I think he should be named Abraham. He was a great leader of his people and I think that this Alpaca will be a great leader of his herd. It's a strong and honorable name. It seems to suit him.
Hi, I clicked on your website and saw that sweet little red face and a couple of strong names came to my mind. Conan or Duncan. I particularly like Conan.
Jo Ann or
This is my choice for a name, Hank.
Just looking at him and his beautiful coat, I thought about all the nice
hanks that would be produced from him and his offspring.
Still on The Potter's wheel,
Hugs, Dusty
He is adorable, Karen!!!
How about Guillermo! Pronounced gee yare mo. A sexy Andean name.
Take care,
I like "Sir Aragorn of Avon" Prestigeous, and fitting for a male who will be 'over seeing the heard' He is lovely!!
I saw your baby alpacca, and the name Precious came to mind!! Maybe something like KJ's Precious? We are in 3 groups together too!!!
Bobbi C
He looks like an Autumn Sunset to me, so I would have named him Sunset.
I think the baby's name should be "Cayenne" since he is the color of cayenne pepper and he looks so spunky and peppery. He's a doll.
I would name Stash. As in stash enhancement :-)
what about ruphus or conquistador? nice boy it is...
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